
When I was little I always thought I was going to be a writer. My best friend in elementary school and I would keep books of lists and ideas and names we liked. In the 4th grade I wrote a mystery about a goose who was a detective.

Somehow, by the time I grew up I forgot about this early impulse. I tried my hand at other things – mostly strategy in advertising. I traveled the world. I learned other languages. But it wasn’t until I moved to Seattle that I found writing again. Or it found me. I had just gone through a divorce. I was determined to try out dating for the first time since I’d been in my early 20’s. Family and friends wanted to know how the dates went.

A blog was born.

The dating faded, but my interest in writing did not. I found the blog to be way to work out what I’m really thinking, to find connections, to pass an enjoyable day at a cafe. My goal is always to give as much of myself and my own insecurities as I’m able to do. There are times when I’m more successful and others when I feel the need to protect – sometimes the truth is too tender.

This blog traverses marriage and divorce, births and deaths, business and astrology, humans and eagles, risk and reward. You’ll definitely see a lot of me in here. And I hope you see some of yourself too.